We are keen for you to know about the changes we’ve made to swimming lessons at Prior Park College so that you can make an informed decision about booking swimming lessons with us.
All current Government Social Distancing and Public Health England guidelines must be followed at all times by everyone using and entering our facilities. Everyone over the age of 11 must wear a face covering.
Please shower and use the toilet before you visit the pool. Please come with costume underneath clothes, showered and ‘beach ready’.
Illness and self-isolation:
We ask that anyone feeling ill or showing signs or any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other illness should not attend the facility and follow NHS guidance. Before your first lesson, you will be asked to sign a COVID-19 health statement. This will be sent to the account holder to complete on behalf of their family.
We are under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. We regret that we are unable to offer an alternative for missed lessons. Unfortunately, what seems like one simple request is an impractical administrative task when spread across hundreds of clients.
If a pool cannot be used or if we cannot find a replacement teacher in the short term, we will endeavour, where possible, to re-schedule your lesson. In this instance we are not responsible for any travel expenses incurred. In the event of our having to cancel a lesson we will credit your account or if you prefer, provide you with a refund for that lesson.
All communication must be done over the telephone or email. We are unable to speak to parents at the facility unless it is an emergency. This is to avoid unnecessary interaction and to ensure the safety of all.
Arrive on time – you may not be able to enter if you arrive late.
Swimmers must queue in their groups (1, 2 & 3) outside the fire door and wait to be asked onto poolside.
Please arrive on time for your lesson. Water safety is paramount, and this door is kept locked during lessons. You may not be able to enter if you arrive late for the start of your class.
We staggered our lesson times and designated areas for swimmers and their parents around the pool at any one time to allow for everyone to social distance.

Only one adult to accompany each swimmer inside the premises to reduce the number of people in the building. No siblings unless they are also having a lesson.
Swimmers to arrive no more than five minutes before the start of class and be “ready to swim” under a toweling robe or onesie. Change on poolside and put your belongings in a bag for the care of parent/guardian. There will be no access to changing rooms at the beginning of the lesson.
Everyone must sanitize their hands at the main entrance. Sanitizing stations will be provided.
Please wear slip-on shoes or wear the shoe covers provided. Shoe covers can be reused so please, take them home and use them again, and again, and again.
Swimmers must have swim hats & goggles (if needed) properly fitted and must be completely ready to swim.
Parents / guardians must fit all non-swimmers with armbands (provided).
All internal seating will be removed. All internal doors will be pinned back and open.
Safety notices and cleaning:
We will provide clear notices around the facility to remind everyone of Government advice and our cleaning of the premises and equipment will adhere to Swim England / STA and Public Health England guidance.
Our teachers will be teaching from the poolside to maintain social distancing at all times.
Non-swimmers: If you wish, one parent may accompany their non-swimmer into the water, they will only assist their own non-swimmer and will have plenty of room in the pool to ensure social distancing is maintained.
Our swimmers have not practiced in a long while and we expect them to be nervous and rusty. Your teacher may choose to give swimmers extra floatation devices if they see fit. This is for their own safety during the lesson.
During swimming lessons:
We will ensure that our swimmers have plenty of room and will meet all Swim England/STA and Government guidelines with regards to required space to swim.
Swimming will operate in width lanes for all stages.
Capacity will be based on Swim England/STA and Government guidelines and will be continually reviewed.
Siblings are considered to be in the same ‘social bubble’. Any siblings who have swimming lessons may wait with their parent/guardian until it is their turn to swim.
At the end of the class
We strongly advise that you do not use the changing areas but instead, towel dry and leave by the main door – as direct a route as possible.
Siblings must change and exit – follow the one-way system – then re-enter with their parent / guardian until all sibling(s) have finished their lessons.
Swimmers will exit in their groups. First, will be group 1 from the deep-end to towel dry and leave. Then follows group 2 and finally group 3.
Changing room specifics – all now communal change. No showers.
If you really must use the changing room, we have three at Prior Park to match the three classes running in the pool at any one time. The mixed (now communal) changing rooms will be numbered: 1, 2 & 3.
All swimmers will use their allotted changing rooms ie: Group 1, improver swimmers will use changing room 1, then group 2 will use changing room 2, and the last class changing room 3.
Siblings can choose either of the designated changing rooms, whichever is most appropriate for age and circumstance.
The changing rooms are purely a stopping place to give you a bit more time to towel dry and get dressed.
Do not use the benches in the changing cubicles, showers, toilets, hairdryers. They are all out of action. Please shower at home.
Once all swimmers have left the poolside, our staff will allow the next classes to enter onto poolside through the single fire door. Swimmers will be called in group order as above (1, 2 &3).
This means we will have no crossover of swimmers coming into the pool, whilst others are leaving the pool to ensure we maintain social distancing guidelines.
Parents and swimmers must endeavor to leave the premises within ten minutes after class.
Prams & Pushchairs: Must be left in the covered, colonnaded area at the back of the pool. Please do not bring them into the building.
No Food: No Food is to be brought onto the premises at any time.
No Running Parents please do not let your children run around anywhere in the building, the changing rooms and toilet areas will be wet and can be slippery. You are responsible for your children and you must stay with them at all times, before and after class to ensure their safety and to ensure they follow social distancing guidelines.
Photography / Filming: No photography or Filming at any time.
Locked Doors: Locked doors are locked for a reason – Safety. Please do not force open.
Talcum Powder: Please do not bring talcum powder onto the premises. When it gets wet, it is incredibly slippery and very difficult to clean up.
Toilets: please go to the toilet before you come swimming. Toilets are available. Parents must always accompany their children to the toilet and ensure it is left flushed and clean for the next user. Ensuring social distancing is always maintained.