We have been receiving a number of emails regarding swimming lessons and we understand the concerns of our parents and swimmers. Swimcentral is following the advice of Swim England, the Government and are we speak regularly with our schools and Bath NHS Trust.
The welfare of our learners is of paramount importance.
The current advice from Swim England is that there is still no requirement to cancel lessons, although we appreciate that some organisations in the UK have taken the decision to so.
Hygiene advice for swimmers and visitors
While our classes remain open, we encourage everyone to enjoy the lessons and be mindful of the advice from the Government and Public Health England.
The guidance we have received is that water and the chlorine within swimming pools will help to kill the virus. It’s important, however, to ensure that everyone visiting pools follows the latest hygiene advice to help reduce the risk of infection.
Swimmers should shower before and after entering the water, while everyone, visitors and swimmers should regularly wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or a sanitiser gel.
Most importantly, if you feel unwell, please do not attend lessons and seek appropriate medical advice.
If circumstances change
We continue to evaluate what is an ongoing situation and regularly review the guidance from Swim England and the Government. If circumstances change and we are advised to close, we will credit all swimmer accounts with the remaining lessons. Credits will be carried over once swimming lessons resume.
We are speaking to our schools and the NHS Trust to see if we can run additional, catch-up lessons over the summer holidays. We will keep you informed of any news.
Links to most up-to-date guidance from Public Health England
Below, you’ll find relevant links to the most up-to-date guidance from the Government and Public Health England regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Find out the number of cases and risk level in the UK, what to do if you have symptoms, and what the government is doing about the virus. Please read the latest here. This is updated regularly.
- We’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to take hygiene precautions to help reduce the spread of infection. This also applies to session spectators (parents/guardians). For the latest infection control advice, please click here.
- As a Swim England Member, Swimcentral Ltd will adhere to the latest Government and NHS guidance. This can be found on the Public Health England website.
Many thanks for your cooperation